Ho trovato un po' di articoli interessanti a riguardo di questo fermento (e non solo).
http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20080268006 Tra l'altro viene indicato che gli ovuli vaginali a base di fermenti possono essere inseriti anche a livello rettale. Effettivamente perchè aspettare che dalla bocca arrivino nell'intestino, poi nel retto, poi dall'ano alla vagina? Meglio andare direttamente nell'ampolla rettale a promuovere la colonizzazione da parte dei batteri buoni.
E finalmente ho trovato (grazie a questa ricerca e a questi articoli) la prova che il mannosio combatte anche la candida!!
"Yeast Agglutination as a Measure of Mannose Adhesion
[0078]In this experiment the ability of the bacteria to agglutinate yeast cells were determined by eye as visible precipitation of yeast cells and bacteria. Washed bacteria were suspended at a concentration of 2×1010 cells per ml in PBS (pH 7.2). A solution of 2.5% (wt/vol) baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) suspended in PBS or 0.125% (wt/vol) D-Mannose containing PBS were added to a equal volume of bacterial solution on a microscope slide. The bacteria and the yeast solutions were mixed by gentle rocking of the slide and the number of turns were calculated until a precipitation of agglutinated yeast and bacterial cells appeared. This number of turns was compared between the solution with and without mannose.
The yeast agglutination was classified as mannose sensitive if the number of turns until visible precipitation appear differ more than ten times between the samples with or without mannose.
During the experiment it was shown that Lactobacillus crispatus VPC 177 and VPC 70 have the ability to agglutinate yeast in a mannose sensitive manner. Mannose sensitive yeast agglutination has previously been shown to correlate with the ability to adhere to cells of the human colonic carcinoma cell line HT-29. (Adlerberth, I., Ahrne, S., Johansson, M-L., Molin, G., Hanson, L-A., and Wold, A. E. (1996).
A mannose-specific adherence mechanism in Lactobacillus plantarum conferring binding to the human colonic cell line HT-29, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 62, 2244-2251.), and is thus a factor promoting the colonization and persistence of the bacteria in question in the intestine.
Therefore, it is with high probability likely true that this feature of the bacteria also is of importance for colonisation in the vagina and urinary tract, and thereby a mechanism to compete with uropathogenic bacterial strains of Escherichia coli. This feature, thus a mannose-specific adherence mechanism, has previously also been shown for Lactobacillus plantarum 299, deposition number DSM 6595, and Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, deposition number DSM 9843."
Read more:
http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/2008026 ... z0seiq2NmGIn sintesi il crispatus combatte la candida con un meccanismo mannosio simile, idem per il plantarum sui batteri.